Our aim is to make deployments run smoothly and easily for our clients. They need to deliver the business benefits of technology, without adversely impacting their end users and customers in the process.
We take the pain out of deployments and lift the load from their shoulders with:
- Rapid deployment
- Minimal impact on their team
- A consistent, positive experience of change
Commitment to customer service is at the heart of our success, and our business philosophy is paramount. We believe in trust, openness and accountability. It forms the basis of the long-standing relationships – with clients, partners and staff – that are at the heart of IMI.
Ever since its inception in 1999, IMI has had a flat organisation structure, and our leadership team is visible and accessible to our clients. One of us is the executive sponsor on every single client project and we take a personal responsibility for the success of every engagement. As leaders of the company, our role is to enable and support our team to deliver to our customers’ high expectations. We put our hand up if we make a mistake and we rectify it. We value integrity and expect it from all we deal with.
We trust our clients, we trust our partners and we trust our staff. We empower our project managers to take full ownership of their projects, enabling them to adapt to changes without impacting quality, or driving up risk.
Our staff and our customers stay with us long term – they are the key to the success of the IMI business.
Leadership Team

Todd Hampson
Technical Director

Tony Younes
National Service Manager

John Jordan
Director, Client Services